The daily costs for food and the school fees are covered every month by our partners from Norway and Belgium. But of course, there are some extra costs from time to time. Some need to be paid yearly, some just once. Some are bigger, some are smaller. To have a better understanding, we are giving you some examples:
- A child gets sick and we need to buy medicine. 10€
- The Children’s Home needs to pay its yearly registration fee. 30€
- The bus needs to be repaired. 100€
- We need to renew the health insurance for everyone, once a year. 35€
- The girls need santitary bads once a month. 4€
- The pipe is licking, we need to call the plumber. 20€
All those are expenses, that are coming during a year. So it is very helpful if you support us with financing this.
At this moment our CEO is in Ghana to see which things are necessary to buy or to repair. For now, she stated some topics, that need to be done in due course: a reparation at the bus, buy some first-aid-medicine and tools, extra-classes during vacation and new matrasses for the children. You can follow her daily experience and reports on our facebook page under Waisenhaus Tamale e.V.