How does the school system works in Ghana?
In Ghana children have to attend primary and secondary school by law. There are public and private schools. For the public school there is no fee, but for both, public and private, high costs will arise. The parents have to pay for school uniforms, books, pencils, transportation and food. Unfortunately not many parents can afford this for their children. With the age of 4 children would start in pre-school, following primary school and with an age of 12 years, they will attend Junior High School. That is compulsory. Afterwards, voluntary, children can start with a vocational training or they can attend Senior High School for 4 years in order to be able to study afterwards.
Are we able to send all our children to school?
Yes, we do. The oldest boy, Francis, is already attending university, he is studying economy and finance. And the youngest, Joshua is in primary school. All children in between range between them. Most of them attend the same private school.
How much is the educational expense for the children?
The school fees are around 100 Euro a year. Additionally to that you have to add the costs for school uniforms, books, folders and pencils. As the children are growing fast, also from time to time new school uniforms need to be tailored. As most of the schools do not have a cafeteria, the children have to take their own lunch to school. As in many other countries, the educational costs increase from level to level. Therefore the costs for studying at university are the highest. Luckily Francis have a lovely sponsor who is taking care of this. All the other school expenses are, more or less, covered by Eline and her donors. Eline is from Belgium and working close together with us.
For which purpose are we collecting money?
As we are planning long term, we see that the educational costs will increase, as the children are going to attend high level education. Eline will not be able to cover these high expenses. Therefore we want to support her in future, especially when more children are going to attend university or vocational training.
Which job are the children aiming in future?
It is different from child to child. Some of the girls know already really clear, that they want to be a nurse or a teacher. Francis, who is currently studying, dreams to work in a bank. Furthermore one of our kids said already, that he wants to be a president 😊 So let’s be curious what happens in a couple of years.
Education does not only mean ‚school‘ to us.
Next to the school education it is very important that the children learn how to live independently. Therefore, in the home everybody has tasks to do before and after school like cleaning, cooking and other things. Furthermore our children should have a respectful and friendly attitude. Sanatu and Silas are trying their best to give as much as possible guidance to the children, so that they are growing up developing positive values and behavior.
Required funds 7.000,00€
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Our children
Precious is the oldest among the girls and is not living anymore in our home. She is staying with her uncle in the village or sleeping in the dormitory of the school. She has do to a lot of house work, but nevertheless she is working hard and always the best in school. We support her as much as possible. In two years time, she will be finished with school and would like to aviation management.
There are different schools at three different locations in Ghana that offer trainings in aviation management, booking and ticketing, piloting, airplane crew and others. These trainings go from 9 month up to 4 years. The most interesting one for Precious would take 2 years. The costs are around 300€ per semester. Additionally we have to look for an accommodation, pay books or scripts and fees for registration, admission and exams.
Rejoice is the daughter of Sanatu and Silas. This is obvious, because is as strong and loud as her mother. For every situation she has a funny quote. Because of that also her favourite job fits very well to her character. She would like to become a moderator or journalist. She even told me, that in Tamale here, we have a school of Journalism, that she would like to attend after her Senior High School. The applications for this have be sent by beginning of 2020. Fingers are already crossed!
Fadila is 15 years old and one of the first girls that entered the orphanage. It is her dream to be a lawyer in future. Her idol is the Ghanaian lawyer Georgina Theodora Wood. Fadila is a very polite, interested and strong young women. By September 2018 she will start with the Senior High School.
Mariam, with the nick name „grandmother“ as Silas’ grandmother was called Mariam. She is the tallest and quietest among the girls, but if it is about dancing and singing, she can also be very active. Since ever Mariam is telling us, that she wants to become a doctor in future. If we look at her school results to far, the chances are quite high for getting accepted after her Senior High School.
Dalila seems to be shy in the first moment, but she can be very cheeky and lively. She loves to style her self most. In contrast to school, that is not her favourite activity. But nevertheless, she is learning hard. As she wants to become a nurse, like Rebecca, we are encouraging her to learn more hard and get good results in the next years.
Francis, our oldest boy, is studying ‚Business Economics’ in Kumasi since 2 years. During the semestre he is living in a small student apartment in Kumasi, during vacation and sometimes weekends, he is coming to visit Tamale, our home and his uncle. We are lucky that we found already a sponsor for all his expenses. Mamie from US is supporting him. Furthermore he is earning some small pocket money with student jobs.
Richmond is Francis’ younger brother and as he is older than 18 not anymore living in the home. He is living with his uncle, attending Senior High School and is working in his uncles phone repair shop as an apprentice. He is coming to the home for visits on a regular base. In contrast to the past years, when he tend to be very rebellious, he is now more majored and quite.
Debbie is very slim, although she is eating tons of food every day. She is the best female dancer in the house, very active and laughing a lot. Debbie is not the best in school, but she has a high talent and interest in tayloring and taking care of the small children. In future maybe a job as a taylor would be an idea for her.
6 years ago, Fusseini stated that he wants to be the president in future. Today, he became a bit more down-to-earth and is aiming to get a job in IT. With his 10 years now, is one of the most intelligent in the house and more far than any other in his age. He is very active, loves to play football and is attached to animals.
Wumpini, also called Somed, is the best gate keeper that I know. He is always happy, sportive and laughing. Regarding school he is doing a good job. It is only maths, like for most of the children, that is giving him problems. Until now he does not have an idea what to become in future, but for this decision he still has some time.
Sadiq is 13 years old a very curious, polite and lively boy. When he is playing football, his passion, he is getting wounds nearly every week, but he still continues, no one can stop him. That is also why he want to become a professional football player in future. As an alternative, he told us, he would also consider working as an electronic engineer. Let’s see what the future brings for him.