Why is our association worrying about elephants?
Elephants can stand for dreams, that small children might have. Children, especially our children, did not have an easy childhood, actually you can say they did not have a childhood as European people would define a childhood. They never went with their parents to playgrounds, never read good nights stories before going to bed or doing a journey to the zoo within their neighborhood. Elephants are animals for which thousand of tourists are travelling thousands of kilometers and spending a lot of money. Elephants are animals that lives not far away from Tamale, the home of our children. But nevertheless non of our children has even seen them.
What is the objectives of our project?
As our founder and chairman is travelling to Ghana to visit the children in July 2018, we were thinking about a nice activity we can organize for them. As the Mole Nationalpark is not far away from Tamale and the children are not too small anymore, we decided to realize a journey to the park within this year. Even Sanatu, our mother at the Children’s Home has never been there in her life. Therefore we are planning a three-day trip with a rented vehicle, one safari, two nights staying there and of course food for the journey.
Required funds 1.915,00€ only missing 0,00€
How much money do we need?
The estimated costs are 1.915,00 Euro. A regular tourist safari package would not even cover one person for such an amount, but as safari in Ghana is not as expensive as it is in Tanzania for example and we take care about saving costs, we are positive to manage. As we are planning to find a shared-bed accommodation, use our bus for transportation and preparing lunch-bags for the travel days, we will manage to reduce costs.
Does the project not have more important needs than a journey?
Yes and no. A positive experience in a new environment does not have to be less worth than buying a washing machine for example. We think that such a trip can be an experience that our kids never forget in life and that motivates them even more to work hard to being able living on their own one day. Furthermore, as mentioned before, our children deserve to be children for at least three more days. Half of them are grown big already, and sooner or later they will finish school, go to university, find jobs, marry and so on. Therefore we want to use the opportunity this year to gather all children together in order to provide them an hopefully unforgettable journey.